Hello! Congratulations, you have completed online learning! ⭐️ Today's lesson plan is below: AM- Art, Spellings, Times Tables PM- Reading Enjoy the activities and we look forward to seeing your work. Work can be photographed and emailed to your child's teacher: Mr Sadler: year1-2@stjohnmark.co.uk Miss Healey: year2@stjohnmark.co.uk Art Spellings: no spellings this week - we will start them again next week when we are all back together. Times Tables Check that you can log in to times tables rockstars and have a go at some activities. Reading Read the text about Holi Festival, then answer the questions. Hope you enjoy your weekend. Well done for completing all of your online work! I am very proud of your efforts and I can't wait to see you in school next week. Make sure to thank the people who have been helping you at home and give yourself a huge pat on the back 😁 Miss Healey 🌈