Hello! I hope you have all had a good week, thank you for working so brilliantly at home. Today's lesson plan is below: AM- Art, Spellings, Times Tables PM- Reading Enjoy the activities and we look forward to seeing your work. Work can be photographed and emailed to your child's teacher: Mr Sadler: year1-2@stjohnmark.co.uk Miss Healey: year2@stjohnmark.co.uk Art Spellings from the list you were given in the brown envelope. Practice them throughout the next week and ask someone to test you on them next Friday. 1. class 2. busy 3. half 4. quarter 5. whole 6. piece If you want a bit more challenge, try these extra spellings: extreme, increase, natural Times Tables Check that you can log in to times tables rockstars and have a go at some 2x, 5x and 10x tables activities. Some of you may have been set some new tables to learn! Reading Read the text...